Law of obligations
Our attorneys assist our customers in preparing transactions, drawing up contracts and in settling disputes arising from contractual relationships or tort.
We also help restructure companies’ business, enter into and terminate employment contracts, provide guidance and make rules pertaining to the organisation of work, and resolve issues related to the prohibition on competition and confidentiality agreements.
Our attorneys organise training sessions on the law of obligations and provide advice on all kinds of matters arising from obligations and do so following the legislation, draft acts and case law.
We represent our customers both in labour dispute committees and in courts. Since labour force is guaranteed free movement, our attorneys are also able to find viable solutions to the regulation of complicated international obligations and to the settlement of international disputes.
We successfully litigated on behalf of AS Hansaplant in their case against one of their employees regarding the nullity of the employment contract and request for compensation and overtime pay.
Our attorneys have won a case for Open Estonian Foundation, which requested a refund of scholarships.